Fine Needle Aspiration Protocol

Before Procedure
  • Fill Coplin Jar with 95% Industrial Methylated Spirit (Ethyl Alcohol)
  • Wash slides in alcohol and dry thoroughly
  • Label 4 slides in pencil with patient's name and date of birth. Where more than one site is to be aspirated, each site should be clearly labelled on the slides and request form.
  • Label universal container (containing saline) with patient’s name and DOB and “Needle Rinse in Saline"
If using CytoLyt: 
  • Label CytoLyt tube with patient’s name and date of birth. Where more than one site is to be aspirated, each site should be clearly labelled on the CytoLyt tube
After Aspiration
  • Place entire specimen in Cytolyt carrier fluid rinsing the needle with the fluid
  • Place one drop of aspirated material onto each slide and smear using another slide to produce a thin even film.
  • Fix 2 smears immediately in alcohol before any drying can take place. Leave to fix for 15 minutes.
  • Leave 2 smears to dry in air, wafting them until dry or hold near a gentle fan (do not blow on them). Do not fix these smears in alcohol.
  • A second or third needle pass may be required if insufficient material is aspirated on the first occasion.
Needle Rinse Sample: 
  • Aspirate 5 mls of fluid from the universal container into the barrel of the syringe to harvest any residual material. Gently return fluid to the universal container.
Transporting Specimens
  • Place air dried smears in a dry plastic slide container labelled "air dried smears".
  • Remove wet fixed smears from alcohol and place dry in a separate slide container labelled "wet fixed smears".
  • Place all specimens together in a plastic bag, attach the completed request form and send as soon as possible to the laboratory.
  • If there is any risk of TB, HIV or Hepatitis B this should be clearly indicated on the request form and on the outer wrapper of the double wrapped specimen.