Contact Us

**IMPORTANT. PLEASE READ** For patient results or specific enquiries on your sample or a relatives sample - please note that Laboratory Medicine (or any of our contacts on this website) CANNOT answer these directly or give out results. The best way, if you have a concern/query/delayed results, is to contact your clinical team or GP. 

Lab results often require the interpretation of a range of factors associated with your clinical care. 

Laboratory Medicine is also unable to arrange private sample testing, this is not a service we offer directly to patients. Testing can only be arranged via your registered health care practitioner. 

If you remain concerned or wish to raise a complaint after contacting your clinical care team or GP you can contact the Patient Experience Team at this link -

If you are another Laboratory (NOT a Patient) looking for a result that Lothian may have tested for you please contact the various departments using the "specialities" section of the website click here

For information on Direct to Consumer (DTC) Genomic or Genetic testing please click here.

For training, education, and placement opportunities please click here 

For Job opportunities please visit the NHS Scotland Jobs Website -

To make a complaint, compliment or suggestion to NHS Lothian directly, please click here.

Even though Laboratory Medicine cannot answer specific enquiries on your sample directly or give out results, the laboratory seeks feedback from its patients. To give feedback, please use the NHS Lothian Online Feedback Form by clicking here.


For general enquires please contact:

Mike Gray (Service Manager for Laboratory Medicine)
If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints or would like any information relating to the Laboratory Medicine website please contact: 
Bernard Lawless (Compliance Manager for Laboratory Medicine)