St. John’s Hospital Switchboard 01506 52 3000
Laboratory Phone Extensions for Enquiries:
(Available Monday to Friday : 09:00 - 17:00)
(Available Monday to Friday : 09:00 - 17:00)
Clinical Biochemistry 01506 52 3160/1 (Ext 53160/1)
Haematology 01506 52 3353 (Ext 53353)
Haematology 01506 52 3353 (Ext 53353)
Blood Transfusion 01506 52 3354 (Ext 53354)
Microbiology 01506 52 3075 (Ext 53075)
Pathology 01506 52 2018 (Ext 52018) Mortuary 01506 52 2022 (Ext 52022)
Pathology 01506 52 2018 (Ext 52018) Mortuary 01506 52 2022 (Ext 52022)
For urgent requests, contact the lab before sending the specimen by special porter. Give a bleep/phone number for the results.
OUT OF HOURS SERVICE (urgent requests only)
Clinical Biochemistry Contact BMS on call - Bleep 3728
Haematology/Blood Transfusion Contact BMS on call - Bleep 3729
Microbiology Contact BMS on call via SJH hospital switchboard
Out of hours, contact the on-call Clinical Biochemist, on-call Haematology Specialist Medical Registrar or on-call Medical Microbiologist or virologist through the switchboard.
(From outside the hospital, substitute 01506 52 in place of 5).
Blood Science Operational Manager SJH 53078
Clinical Biochemistry
Principal Clinical Scientist 0131 537 1890 or 01506 52 3164
Secretary 53159
For clinical advice contact the duty biochemist at WGH on extension 31899
For Biochemistry advice please e-mail
Direct Number 01506 52 3353
Consultant and site lead 53365
Secretary 53365
Specialist Registrar (Rotating Appt) 53357 /Bleep 3618
Blood Transfusion
Direct Number 01506 523 354 (internal 53354)
Consultant with Responsibility for Blood Bank 53365
Principal Practitioner Mr J Falconer 53164
or 0131 537 1988 (31988)
Laboratory Registrar 53357 / Bleep 3618
Transfusion Practitioner Jane Oldham 07904 367 704
Direct Number 01506 52 3075
Consultants Dr K MacSween 0131 536 3373 Dr O Moncayo 0131 242 6070 Dr P Wilson 01506 522 004
Secretary Mrs. P Fairley 53077
Lead Biomedical Scientist 52230
For information on clinical management of patients please click here and access the documents at the bottom of the page.
Virology - the Virology Service for West Lothian is provided by the RIE
For virology advice:
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 (3 hour response)
Urgent advice: Call 536 3373 or bleep via switchboard
Out of hours via switchboard
Pathology - the Pathology Service for West Lothian is provided by the RIE