Test Directory

HCV Resistance

Containers - Adult

Universal Container 0.2
Volume Range

​Clean molecular grade 2 ml vial

Laboratory Site

51 Little France Crescent
Old Dalkeith Road
EH16 4SA
Telephone (Virology): Microbiology/Virology Office: 0131 536 3373 (option 1)

Sample storage arrangements

​Plasma should be stored at 4°C and dispatched as soon as possible

Special instructions for collection

Minimum volume: 1ml

​Stored frozen plasma (1ml) at -20oC or lower

How to request

​All requests must be emailed to loth.bbvsequencing@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk to discuss prior to sending of samples.


​Monday - Friday

Anticipated turnaround

10 days

General additional information

Special precautions: Haemolysed specimens can be inhibitory

Clinical information
Testing may be indicated at baseline and treatment failure depending on the DAA regimen

HCV resistance testing is only performed when there is evidence of treatment failure on direct acting agents and where it is helpful to select future HCV treatment options

All samples tested should be genotype 1a HCV with viral load >100,000 IU/ml

For tests requested on samples already held in the NHS Lothian laboratory email loth.bbvsequencing@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk