Test Directory

Legionella Spp

Containers - Adult

20ml Sterile Universal Container
Volume Range

​2 mls

Additive per Container

​Sputum to be taken into sterile universal container

Containers - Child

20ml Sterile Universal Container
Volume Range

​2 mls

Additive per Container

​Sputum to be taken into sterile universal container

Laboratory Site

51 Little France Crescent
Old Dalkeith Road
EH16 4SA
Telephone (Virology): Microbiology/Virology Office: 0131 536 3373 (option 1)
Telephone (Bacteriology): 0131 242 6021 OOH Bleep 2900

Transport arrangements

​Inter -site van shuttle service, GP van service, External Hospital van service, Couriers, Hospital porter collection, (refer to collection times posted in wards / departments), Hospital Pneumatic Tube System (PTS).

Sample storage arrangements

​Specimen transport arrangements must be in accordance with current postal and transport regulations. Samples should be transported to the laboratory without delay. If processing is delayed, refrigeration at 2 - 8 oC is preferrable to storage at room temperature. Patient samples can be transported at ambient temperature.

Special instructions for collection

​Clinical samples must be collected into leak-proof containers and placed into a sealed bag with absorbant material. Patient samples must be individually packaged and not mixed with other patient samples. Any appropriate hazard labelling should be clearly visible on the sample bag / sample.

How to request

​Use appropriate Virology Request Form or TRAK referral letter. Forms must be fully completed with Patient Identifier Number (CHI), Forename, Surname, Date of Birth, Gender and Location of patient (hospital and ward or primary care centre).


​Weekdays 08.30 - 17.00

Weekends 09.00 - 16.00

Anticipated turnaround

​2 days

What happens if the result is positive or abnormal

​Positive results are notified to the Duty Bacteriologist to inform relevant team and are available in the patient's records.

General additional information

​Test is available 7 days per week. Same day results are available when sample is received into the laboratory by 09.00.

Please contact virologyadvice@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk for all non-urgent clinical enquiries.