Test Directory

Mycoplasma genitalium or Ureaplasma spp

Containers - Adult

Universal 20ml
Volume Range

​> 0.5 ml ​Urine (for males only)

Abbott Orange Cap Tube 9K12-02
Volume Range

​Vaginal swab in Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea medium (for females)

Additive per Container

​Liquid included in container should be retained

Containers - Child

Universal 20ml
Volume Range

​As adult

Abbott Orange Cap Tube 9K12-02
Volume Range

​As adult

Additive per Container

​as adult

Laboratory Site

51 Little France Crescent
Old Dalkeith Road
EH16 4SA
Telephone (Virology): Microbiology/Virology Office: 0131 536 3373 (option 1)
Telephone (Bacteriology): 0131 242 6021 OOH Bleep 2900

Transport arrangements

Mycoplasma genitalium is a sexually transmitted infection that is often asymptomatic. In a minority of people, it can cause dysuria, discharge, itch, pain and bleeding. Urogenital Ureaplasma colonisation or infection is usually asymptomatic there is no testing available. 

Transport as soon as is practicable.

Sample storage arrangements

If delay in transporting, store in the fridge (4-6°C).

Special instructions for collection

High vaginal swabs – Send to RIE Molecular lab for M. genitalium PCR; must be swab in CT / GC Transport Medium (not VTM or charcoal/gel swab) - no other Mycoplasma spp/Ureaplasma spp testing is possible in Scotland, or at national reference laboratory, on genital samples.

Urine – Do not send for testing from females – not possible to test anywhere. Mycoplasma genitalium testing from male urines only by RIE Molecular lab.

Neonate respiratory samples – Send neat sample to UKHSA Colindale for M. hominis/Ureaplasma spp PCR

Sterile site fluids e.g. pelvic abscess fluid – Send neat sample to GOSH for 16S which will pick up Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma spp plus any other bacteria present. If Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma specifically sought ONLY in a sterile site fluid – discuss with UKHSA Colindale ref lab.

How to request

Via Trak ("Mycoplasma genitalium PCR"), or by request form. 


Monday - Friday 0900-1700 (RIE)

Anticipated turnaround

Up to 7 working days

What happens if the result is positive or abnormal

​All positive samples are referred to Scottish STI Reference Laboratory (based at the RIE) for determination of antibiotic resistance by sequencing.