Test Directory

Metanephrine /metadrenaline (plasma)

Containers - Adult

Red/Pink Cap
Volume Range

​2.7 mL

Containers - Child

Red/Pink Cap

Reference ranges

For further details please consult the Glasgow website for up to date details


Laboratory Site

Glasgow Royal Infirmary
84 Castle Street
G4 0SF
Telephone: 0141 211 4000

Transport arrangements

UNSTABLE HORMONES: Bloods should be placed on ice and transported to the laboratory immediately.

Special instructions for collection

Patient preparation: Ideally patients should be seated or supine (30minutes) prior to sampling. Dietary catecholamine intake has little effect on metanephrine and normetanephrine but may have significant impact on 3-methoxytyramine. Overnight fasting and avoidance of catcholamine rich foods (eg bananas, plums, pineapples, walnuts, tomatoes, avocados, aubergine, alcoholic drinks, vinegar) is advised if measurement of 2-methoxytyramine is likely to be important as a marker of dopamine secretion.

How to request

Please notify the laboratory prior to sample collection.


Normal working hours only.

Anticipated turnaround

Please see Glasgow website for details.

General additional information

Plasma Metanephrine includes normetanephrine, metanephrine and 3-methoxytyramine. A local assay for 24 hour Urinary Metadrenaline is available and for most patients this should be requested in the first instance. Urinary and plasma metadrenalines have similar specificity and sensitivity for phaeochromocytoma.