Test Directory

Vitamin C

Containers - Adult

Orange Cap
Volume Range

2.0 ml

Additive per Container


Red/Pink Cap
Volume Range

​2.0 ml

Additive per Container

Potassium EDTA

Containers - Child

Orange Cap - Paediatric
Volume Range

2.00 ml

Additive per Container


Reference ranges

15-90 µmol/L

<10 µmol/L (at risk of deficiency)

Laboratory Site

Glasgow Royal Infirmary
84 Castle Street
G4 0SF
Telephone: 0141 211 4000

Transport arrangements

Send immediately to the laboratory marked for the attention of the Duty Biochemist.

How to request

Only by prior arrangement (24 hr in advance) with the Duty Biochemist.

Anticipated turnaround

​28 days

General additional information

​An equal volume or fresh metaphosphoric acid must be added by the laboratory within 4 hours of collection to preserve the sample prior to dispatch to Glasgow.

Samples sent to Scottish Trace Element and Micronutrient Reference Laboratory.