Primary Care Laboratory Interface Group (PLIG)

PLIG meets regularly every two months at the Conan Doyle Centre (Cameron Toll) and has done so for several years.  The core group consists of five GPs with strong links to the GP Sub-Committee for NHS Lothian and a number of senior staff across the different Laboratory disciplines.  Dr Sara Jenks serves as chair for the group with support from Dr Clare MacRae, GP from Pentlands Medical Centre. 
Guests are often invited to the meeting in relation to guidelines and other developments.
There is an annual update meeting which takes place once a year.  This often features topics on which the group may have issued guidelines or undertaken audit work.

We have excellent electronic links to all GP practices in communicating agreed actions, developments and clinical advice.

The group has been noted on multiple inspections by regulatory accreditation bodies as one of the best examples of clinical liaison in action across the UK.
The PLIG entered the 2011 Celebrating Success in NHS Lothian awards and won the ‘Practice in Partnership' category.

2018 Collecting and sending samples to the laboratory poster

2018 Quick guide to NHS Lothian Laboratories by PLIG